Establish cooperation and competition
at your next corporate event

Play with smartphone, tablet or a computer
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A perfect Quiz solution for Team Building, Conventions and Corporate meeting

Quiz38 is an interactive Quiz that gives corporate event guests the potential for Team Building, Conventions and Corporate Meetings to interact comfortably seated in their place in a meeting room, participating each for themselves, rather than at their table with the diners, thus forming a team. The guests are constantly fighting against time, establishing a climate of competition between the teams and cooperation between individuals. Quiz38 is often used in the company environment to achieve better cohesion and greater collaboration among employees. You can evaluate Quiz38 in demo mode totally free of charge.

Immediate access

Access one of our game areas and try your first Quiz38 game match now.

An internet connection is required

The computer will need to be connected to the internet in order for the quiz game to run.

How to play?

The guests play with their own Smartphones, they don’t need to download an App, but a data connection or wifi will be required.


The prices are decided according to the maximum number of players a game can have. Depending on the number of guests present at your party, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs.
It is FREE for up to 3 players.

3 players
50 players
100 players
200 players
300 players
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